Heat your Pool For Free – Use Solar Panels!

With increasing Fuel costs, many people are looking for alternatives to maintaining a warm and comfortable pool. One alternative which has become quite popular is the swimming pool solar heater. There are numerous variations of a solar heater all trying to achieve the same purpose – increasing the pool water’s surface area exposed to the sun, thereby allowing a greater volume of water to be heated simultaneously.

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Pool Filter Selection Guide

In order to keep the water in your pool crystal clear, mechanical filtration is needed alongside chemical treatment. Mechanical filtration is the oldest and simplest method of removing any solid particles from water, such as sand or dirt, and it remains the most effective way of doing that. As such, water filters are a requirement for any swimming pool.

The principle of filtration may be old and simple, but modern technologies allow for manufacture of more sophisticated filters that are able to remove not only large particles from the water, but also the ones invisible to the naked eye. There are two types of filters commonly used in residential swimming pools – Sand and Cartridge filters. Continue reading Pool Filter Selection Guide

Pool Chemistry 101

It is extremely important to maintain the chemical balance of the water in your pool. Unbalanced water can lead to various health problems such as skin rashes, respiratory allergies, etc. Chemical imbalances can also cause equipment failures, such as heat exchanger damage in your heater. For those who have a vinyl liner in their pool, unbalanced water can reduce the life of the liner.

Continue reading Pool Chemistry 101

Save Time on Maintenance with Robotic Pool Cleaners

The most annoying thing about having a pool is the maintenance hassles such as cleaning, chlorinating and filtering. Without the proper equipment, owning a pool becomes a nightmare every time you want to go in for a dip. Time and energy wasted on cleaning might even deter you from wanting to swim at all. This is where having the proper equipment for pool maintenance is a must, and is also why we love Robotic Pool Cleaners so much.

Continue reading Save Time on Maintenance with Robotic Pool Cleaners

Common Swimming Pool Problems and Solutions

Everyone wants the chance to enjoy the hard work they put into their swimming pool. So many factors impact your water quality and pool equipment function that it can be hard to understand every potential problem that can emerge. If you own and operate a swimming pool, it can be helpful if you’re familiar with common swimming pool problems and solutions, and even the strange things that can happen to your pool.

Whether you’re experiencing an issue with your swimming pool or preparing for the future, this list of common swimming pool issues can help you to minimize and resolve problems that emerge unexpectedly.

Why is the top of my swimming pool filmy?

If your swimming pool water has formed a film on the surface, it can be pretty unappealing to swimmers. Filmy water can be difficult to detect just by looking at your pool, but swimmers will certainly be able to feel this pool issue. A film on the water can indicate a few different problems with your pool. A film will form in pool water if chemicals are overused but is actually usually an indicator that there may be a problem with your filter.

If your water is filmy, you’ll want to check that your filter is clean, in good shape, and functioning properly. Once your filter is serviced, test and balance the chemical levels in your water and treat with shock. Once your treatment is complete, your swimming pool will be clear, clean and film-free.

Why are there bubbles in my swimming pool skimmer?

Bubbles in the skimmer may not seem like a very big deal, and many swimmers may not even notice this issue. But, these bubbles could indicate a bigger problem with your pool system. If your system is producing bubbles at your skimmer, it may be an indication that your pool plumbing is drawing in and circulating air.

Air in the system can cause problems for your swimming pool pump, and prevent your filter and system from working correctly. If your pool skimmer is producing bubbles, be sure to check the integrity of your swimming pool plumbing, including all seals, gaskets, o-rings and connections to find the source of any leaks or drawn air.

Why is my swimming pool water foaming?

A foamy pool sounds fun, but foamy water is actually indicative of a water issue. Foamy water can be an indication that you have too much product in your water. The source of this can be the chemicals you use to treat your pool (such as algaecide), or even residual products that come from swimmers (like lotions, sunscreens, and conditioners). A drop in calcium hardness (soft water) can also cause swimming pool water to foam.

To fix problems with foam in your swimming pool, you’ll need to balance and clean your pool thoroughly to resolve the problem. Test and balance your water to be sure all of your chemicals are in balance, paying particular attention to calcium levels. You’ll also want to check out your pump and lines to ensure there are no spaces where air can be drawn into the system (bubbling skimmers can also contribute to foam buildup).

What causes the flakey residue in my swimming pool?

Flakes in your swimming pool can have many different causes. Usually, flakes in the water are the result of a calcium buildup. Hard water creates calcium residue that can flake off into your pool system. Test the calcium levels in your water and balance if necessary to prevent the buildup of white flakes. By using a clarifier or flocculant, you can sink any residual flakes to the bottom of your swimming pool to be vacuumed out.

Flakes sometimes develop in saltwater pools when someone mistakenly uses the wrong type of salt to treat swimming pool water. Flakes can also be the residue from a salt cell self-cleaning process. Always use salt that is specifically designed for swimming pool use and purchase from a reputable dealer. With the right salt and a regularly cleaned salt cell, flakes can be eliminated.

Why is my swimming pool water cloudy?

Cloudy water usually results from particulate matter floating around in the water, making it difficult to see through the haze. Particles can enter the pool through regular use, and may build up in the water if your filter is dirty or damaged, or if your pool pump hasn’t been running.

To treat cloudy water, get your pump up and running and then test and balance your water. Next, adding a shock treatment to your water as directed. Finally, use a clarifier to sink any floating debris to the bottom of your pool so it can be easily vacuumed away to restore water clarity.

Why does the liner of my swimming pool feel slimy?

A slimy liner is something you won’t detect until someone dives into the pool. A slimy liner feels pretty disgusting and is also a good indicator that something is wrong with your water balance.

To get rid of any slimy coating on your swimming pool, start by testing and balancing your swimming pool water. Once you balance your water, you’ll have to check that your filter is clean and in working order. Finish up your treatment by shocking the pool and adding some preventative algaecide to the water. This process will eliminate bacteria from your water and equipment, and ensure that the slime doesn’t have the chance to form again.

Why does my swimming pool liner feel rough?

If the texture of your vinyl liner seems to have changed suddenly, you should take note. A vinyl liner that feels like sandpaper to the touch is a sign that scale has had the chance to build up on the floor and walls of your swimming pool. This scale accumulates because of improperly balanced water that has high alkalinity, high pH, or high calcium hardness.

You’ll want to work quickly to balance your water to prevent any long-term damage to your pool liner and equipment. Once your pool water is back in balance, your liner should feel normal again.

Why are wrinkles forming in my liner?

A swimming pool liner is a very expensive investment and one that you’ll want to last for many years. If you’ve noticed that your vinyl liner has suddenly started to wrinkle and pucker, it may be because of a chemical imbalance in your water. Low alkalinity, low pH, and excessive calcium hardness can all cause your liner to wrinkle.

To prevent wrinkling from damaging your liner, be sure to test and balance your water, ensuring that pH, alkalinity, sanitizer, and calcium hardness are all in recommended ranges.

Why does my pool water turn my hair green?

For people with very light blonde hair, swimming in a new pool comes with a bit of a risk. If you’ve noticed that after a swim your hair appears to have a green tint, you have likely been swimming in water that has too much copper in it. You will need to keep copper levels in a specific range to avoid discoloration for swimmers, and swimming pool water.

Copper in swimming pool water can be easily removed by using a stain or metal-removing solution. As for green hair, that can be easily treated with some lemon juice or vinegar (and by avoiding the pool until copper levels are under control).

Understanding how to resolve common swimming pool problems

Issues with your swimming pool can be very stressful, especially if it is a problem that you have never encountered before. But, no matter what problem you’re facing with your pool, it is likely that someone else has experienced it before, and found a great solution.

Familiarize yourself with common pool issues, solutions, and requirements, and emerging problems won’t seem so difficult to deal with.