One of the major factors that impact your swimming pool is the weather outside. From week to week and even day to day, changing temperatures, rainfall, and sun exposure can all impact the way your swimming pool functions and what it needs. By understanding a bit more about how weather impacts your swimming pool water, you’ll be able to adjust your maintenance approach to ensure the weather doesn’t negatively impact your pool. Continue reading Weather impacts on your swimming pool water
Month: April 2020
How to Vacuum your Swimming Pool
Vacuuming your swimming pool is an essential chore that every pool owner would love to skip out on. Vacuuming your pool is very like vacuuming your home – a process of removing dirt, debris, and sand that has sunk to the bottom of the pool. Not only does vacuuming your pool make the pool more pleasant to swim in, but it is also essential to preventing staining and clouding in your water. Continue reading How to Vacuum your Swimming Pool
Is your Swimming Pool Safe for your Dog?
When the pool is busy in the middle of the summer, it can be so much fun for the whole family to hop into the pool. Some dogs simply won’t accept being left out of the action and will do anything to join the family in the water. But, is it safe for your dog to join you in the pool? For some dogs, the swimming pool is a safe and fun activity. But, there are some risks to having your dog in your swimming pool. If you are thinking of giving your pup access to your pool, there are a few important things to keep in mind.
Alkalinity vs. pH
Testing and balancing swimming pool water is a chore that many pool owners neglect each summer. It can be easy to let your pH and alkalinity get out of balance when your schedule is busy, and you’d rather enjoy the swimming pool than maintain it. Continue reading Alkalinity vs. pH
Swimming Pools 101: The Beginner’s Guide to Basic Pool Equipment
People who own and operate their own pools quickly learn all about swimming pool maintenance, needs, and schedule. But, if you’re operating a swimming pool for the first time, knowing all components of a swimming pool equipment that you may need can seem daunting and a little mysterious. Whether you’re thinking of getting a swimming pool, buying a home with a pool included, or are taking over swimming pool maintenance from another person, this guide will help you to learn some of the basics, and avoid potential mistakes. Continue reading Swimming Pools 101: The Beginner’s Guide to Basic Pool Equipment