Do you need an alarm for your swimming pool?

Pool safety is something that every swimming pool owner must constantly be aware of. A body of water can be dangerous to pets, kids, and even adults who are not prepared for the water. If you’ve installed a swimming pool, you know all about rules and regulations about pool safety. But, there is always a way to go above and beyond. 

Many conscientious pool owners have asked themselves if they need an alarm for their swimming pool. The answer depends on how you will use the alarm, and whether all of your other safety precautions are in place.  Continue reading Do you need an alarm for your swimming pool?

The Importance of Closing your Pool Correctly for the Winter 

Each autumn, pool owners have the sad task of shutting down the pool for winter. Closing the pool signifies the end of the summer, and a weekend full of a lot of work. After seasonal care, maintenance and small repairs, it can seem daunting to have to clean and close everything correctly.

You may be tempted to cut corners as you move through the process of closing down your swimming pool. But, closing each component of your swimming pool correctly at the end of the season is absolutely essential to keeping it in great shape. Neglecting important parts of the closing process can lead to damage, repair bills, and a delay in opening the pool next summer. Worse than that, every time you damage a component of your swimming pool, you shorten the life of your investment.  Continue reading The Importance of Closing your Pool Correctly for the Winter 

Get the Most From Your Hot Tub During Winter

Many people dream of having their own hot tub, especially during the coldest days of winter. Hot tubs are an excellent way to relax, promote time with family, and to get outdoors during the winter. If your family already enjoys the swimming pool, a hot tub may be the perfect way for you to expand your backyard activities into the winter months. Continue reading Get the Most From Your Hot Tub During Winter

Pool Care During the Winter

During the winter months, it can be depressing to look at your pool and remember the fun of summer. You might be tempted to ignore your swimming pool until the first warm days of early summer. But during the winter, your pool and outdoor equipment are exposed to temperatures and conditions that can be very damaging. It is important that you prepare your swimming pool to withstand winter. But it is also essential that you check your pool regularly throughout the winter season. In Canada, our winters can be very harsh, and winter damage can shorten an already narrow summer swimming period. Make sure to get the most out of your swimming pool by taking care of it all year long.

Continue reading Pool Care During the Winter

Playing Safe with Pool Toys

Pool toys have become incredibly popular in Canada and around the world in the past few years. The popularity of massive, impressive floaties on Instagram have made them in-demand and more affordable than ever. Most pool owners now have a huge collection of pool toys.

Pool toys are a great way to add some extra fun to the pool. But, it is important to be aware of how to play safely alongside your pool toys. Some of the most popular toys on the market can actually pose a danger in certain situations, particularly to children. Continue reading Playing Safe with Pool Toys