Can I Swim in a Pool During the COVID-19 Pandemic?

UBC professor turned TikTok star debunks 6 COVID-19 myths - Vancouver Is  Awesome

Is it safe to swim in a pool during the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic? Will the coronavirus spread in the swimming pool? These are questions that may be swimming through our minds as we worry about the potential banning of our favourite cool-down activity during the sizzling days of the summer season.

The short answers are, yes, you are safe from the coronavirus in public swimming pools, and, no, there is no evidence that coronavirus spreads in swimming pool water. The chlorine in swimming pools acts as an effective disinfectant, and mere exposure to water should weaken the virus, as any virus in water is diluted. So it is unlikely that you would be exposed to an appreciable concentration of the coronavirus in the pool, even if you were to swallow an appreciable amount of pool water.

However, there are COVID-19 swimming pool safety measures that can lower “low risk” to virtually “no risk”:

  • Keep at least a 6-foot distance away from people that are not in your immediate household—the way you would outside of the water
  • Try to go to outdoor swimming pools more often as they have better ventilation than indoor swimming pools
  • Try to avoid indoor areas in general, such as locker rooms and bathrooms, by changing into your swimwear and taking showers at home
  • Bring your own pool accessories (goggles, floaties etc.) or sanitation wipes to clean borrowed ones
  • Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer before and after eating, drinking, or touching things
  • Hand sanitizers might not be as effective on greasy skin, so be sure to wipe off your sunscreen before using hand sanitizer and then reapply the sunscreen when your hands are dry

Despite already being vaccinated, there are still people that remain unvaccinated, so everyone should practice these safety precautions. The most important things to remember are physical distancing and keeping clean. If you follow these guidelines, you should be able to participate in your session at the swimming pool, COVID-19-free and fun-filled!