How Does Rain Affect Pool Water?

Your pool’s water is sanitized using a careful combination of chemicals, making it safe for you to swim in. However, since outdoor pools are exposed to the elements, even a little rainstorm may disturb the equilibrium and damage your pool.

Everyone may benefit from a little rain, but you should know what to do if your pool is heavily flooded.  For example, pool water is cloudy after rain.

How Does Rain Affect Pool Water? In general, a little mist or drizzle is nothing to worry about, but heavy rains might result in the problems listed below that will need to be fixed.

It Lowers Your PH

The pH balance of the pool water must be neutral for safe swimming. Perfectly balanced pool water falls between 7.2 and 7.6 on the pH scale of 0 to 14. Anything below this point causes the water to become acidic, while anything over this point causes it to turn alkaline.

Between 5.0 and 5.5, rainwater’s pH level is mildly acidic. Rain gets considerably more acidic, leaning towards the 4.0 range, when it interacts with air pollution.

As a consequence, when rainwater reaches the pool, its acidity will change the water’s chemistry and lower the pH level.

What does rain water do to a pool? Numerous problems might arise from acidic pool water. In addition to swimmers’ itchy skin and inflamed eyes, metals will corrode and pool surfaces will get discoloured. You must add soda ash to increase the pH level in order to rebalance the water.

It Dilutes Your Water Chemistry

Large volumes of rainwater added to your pool can dilute the water, disturbing the alkalinity, a buffer that absorbs pH level changes and maintains the water’s stability.  Pool water may even turn green after rain.

As rainwater contains no pool-related chemicals (things like calcium cyanuric acid and chlorine), it won’t raise any of those levels – which is a good thing!  However, because of the diluted water, the pool will also need new chemical additions. This is why pool water turns green after rain.

It Raises Your Water Level

To maintain a pool clean, the water must be circulated. The pool draws water from the main drain and the skimmers filter it and then use wall jets to restore it to the pool. The water level in your pool must be kept at the midway point of your skimmer.

Two things will happen if it falls below that point:

  1. Only water from the main drain will be circulated
  2. The skimmers will take in air, which can seriously damage your filtration equipment

What causes the water to drop? Evaporation.

Can you fill a pool with rain water?  It is very acidic so you can’t just let it rain to fill the pool. 

It Can Cause Drainage Issues

Raising the water level is one thing, but too much rain can cause your pool to overflow. While your pool is equipped with drainage points, sometimes the rainfall is just too much, and the overflow can lead to flooding in your backyard.

It’s critical to have the appropriate pool drains in place to address this. You may add strip drains, spot drains, and French drains to let extra water flow away from the pool and securely off your property. 

What To Do Before a Storm

Monitoring the weather might help you reduce the impact that rainfall will have on your pool.

Here are some suggestions to help you prepare for a storm:

  • Don’t fill your pool with rain water. If you fill the pool with rain water it will be too acidic so don’t let the pool fill with rain water.
  • Don’t drain the pool.  Don’t be tempted to empty the pool in order to reduce flooding in the event of severe rainfall. The pool’s water is essential for supporting the construction and keeping it in place by adding weight. If the pool is drained, intense rains may flood your yard with groundwater, which might cause the pool to explode.
  • Clean up the backyard. Take everything out of the pool area that can be damaged in a strong storm.  Things like pool accessories or toys, patio furniture, and any other objects that could be blown into the pool are a hazard that need to be taken care of to keep from damaging the pool.
  • Turn equipment off. Inclement weather can be unpredictable and devastating. During the storm, be careful to switch off your electrical equipment to prevent catastrophic damage.
  • Test & balance the water.  You’ll be in control and need to maintain the pool water less after the storm has passed if you test and balance the water beforehand. The water in the pool may avoid being unduly tainted during the rain by being added with chlorine and algaecide.
  • Prep for extreme weather.  Storms with a lot of rain may also cause damage to your pool’s exposed areas. If your pump is outdoors, disconnecting it and covering it with a tarp is also a smart safety precaution. If you have a regular pool cover or solar cover, we advise rolling it up on its reel and fastening it.  The last thing you want to do is having to buy new equipment because of some rain.

What To Do After a Storm – Testing Pool Water After the Rain

To repair your pool after it has been damaged by significant rain, follow these instructions:·       

  • Pump water from your cover. If you happened to have a cover on your pool when the rain struck, you may have a pool of water sitting on the cover.  The simplest way to do this is to use a pool cover pump before removing the cover.
  • Check the water level.  You’ll probably have too much water in the pool after significant rain. You may quickly pump off the extra water by backwashing with your pool filter. To do this, you must connect a hose to the filter and operate it on the “waste” or “backwash” mode. You’re back in business as soon as the water level drops to the skimmer’s midpoint.
  • Turn on your system.  Refill your skimmer basket, put the pump back in “filter” mode, and start the water pumping once again.
  • Shock the pool.  Refill your skimmer basket, put the pump back in “filter” mode, and start the water pumping once again.
  • Test the water & add chemicals. Rebalance the pool water by using a testing kit to find out where the pH, alkalinity, calcium, and free chlorine levels are at, and top up the water with the necessary amounts to bring the pool water back to a neutral state.

Although rain is a natural cleaner, it may be problematic and even dangerous in a pool. 

Light rain exposure shouldn’t be a big problem, but you should be aware of the safety measures and maintenance procedures required during periods of high rains to maintain your pool operating at its best.

A Complete Guide to Solar Pool Covers

In Canada, our swimming season is disappointingly short. During the hot days at the beginning of the summer, the weather is perfect for a swim – but your water will take some time to catch up, especially if you don’t have a heater. Over time, the summer sun will begin to warm your water, but it can take weeks off of your swimming season. Solar pool covers offer an effective and affordable way to use the sun to heat your swimming pool more quickly.

A solar pool cover can help you to quickly add a few degrees to your pool water, and to prevent heat loss during chilly nights. Continue reading A Complete Guide to Solar Pool Covers

How to Protect Local Wildlife from your Swimming Pool

A swimming pool can make your backyard feel like a natural oasis. But, the water in your swimming pool is far from natural. Pool owners spend each summer keeping their pool clean, clear, and free of pests, and there is a reason that pool maintenance takes so much work. A body of water is naturally attractive to insects and animals, particularly during hot and dry weather. Attentive cleaning and maintenance ensure our swimming pools don’t transform into swamps over time. The chemicals we use to treat our swimming pools can be very harsh and are often damaging to local wildlife. Any responsible pool owner looks for ways to minimize the environmental impact of their swimming pool. But, the hazards your pool creates for local wildlife can actually be due to how your pool is structured, rather than how chemicals are used.

Continue reading How to Protect Local Wildlife from your Swimming Pool

How to Keep Bees away from your Swimming Pool

Nothing is better than a day in the pool, enjoying the sun. But for many people, spending a day outside comes along with the threat of encountering bees. Many people are simply phobic about bees, but many others are actually very allergic to their sting. Because of allergies or fears, bees near the pool can ruin a summer. Unfortunately, swimming pools can provide an attractive area for bees to hang out, or even build their hive. But, understanding a bit about why your swimming pool attracts bees can help you to deter them from the area, leaving your family to enjoy the pool in peace. Continue reading How to Keep Bees away from your Swimming Pool

Wild Encounters People have had in their Swimming Pools

In city areas, most swimming pool owners only encounter small wild animals and insects that are attracted to their pools. In more suburban or rural areas, there are much larger animals sharing our neighbourhoods. When summer heats up, your swimming pool can lead to some wild encounters with the local animals. 

Canada is a large country with a lot of diverse ecology, and there are thousands of wild encounters in Canadian pools each year. But, this is also a global phenomenon. Check out some of these wild encounters people have had in their pools. 

Continue reading Wild Encounters People have had in their Swimming Pools

How to Cut your Solar Cover to Perfectly fit your Swimming Pool

The right solar cover can add up to 17 degrees to your average swimming pool temperature over the summer. But, a solar cover needs to be the right size and shape for your swimming pool for it to work correctly. Solar covers come in a variety of sizes, but most of them are rectangular or oval in shape. If you have an oddly-sized pool or an irregular pool shape, you may need to cut your solar cover to fit your swimming pool correctly.

Luckily, it is very easy to cut a solar cover to fit any swimming pool.

Continue reading How to Cut your Solar Cover to Perfectly fit your Swimming Pool

Making your Swimming Pool more Environmentally Friendly

Owning and operating a swimming pool is not the most environmentally friendly choice. But, swimming pools provide a lot of much-needed exercise, relaxation, and outdoor time for families across Canada. Though swimming pools can have a negative impact on the environment, there are things that you can do to ensure you minimize or even offset the impact of your swimming pool.

When maintained well and thoughtfully considered, pool chemicals, pool equipment, maintenance, and your approach to pool management can all help to make your swimming pool greener.

Continue reading Making your Swimming Pool more Environmentally Friendly

How to Remove Pollen from your Swimming Pool

Each summer, the “pollen count” or “pollen load” in each neighbourhood is different. If you have a lot of trees near your pool and an active spring, pollen can be produced so intensely that it can create a huge mess in your swimming pool. It is easy to identify and resolve a problem with pollen in your swimming pool, once you know what to look for. With a little research and work, you can make your swimming pool crystal clear again. Continue reading How to Remove Pollen from your Swimming Pool

Weather impacts on your swimming pool water

One of the major factors that impact your swimming pool is the weather outside. From week to week and even day to day, changing temperatures, rainfall, and sun exposure can all impact the way your swimming pool functions and what it needs. By understanding a bit more about how weather impacts your swimming pool water, you’ll be able to adjust your maintenance approach to ensure the weather doesn’t negatively impact your pool.  Continue reading Weather impacts on your swimming pool water

How to Remove Algae From Your Pool

Virtually every pool, outdoor or indoor, is susceptible to growing algae, mold, or fungus. Spores of these organisms are floating in the air around us and whenever they come in contact with a hospitable environment like the water in your swimming pool, they bloom. It’s worth noting that adding fresh water or even replacing the water in your pool entirely does not get rid of the algae. It can survive on the walls and invade your pool once again after you refill it with water. In order to fight the algae you need to add algaecide to the pool, regular disinfecting chemicals won’t do the trick if the water is already green.

Continue reading How to Remove Algae From Your Pool