Swimming pools are incredibly fun and encourage quality outdoor time every day of the summer. Unfortunately for homeowners, a swimming pool (and any body of water) can also be incredibly dangerous. As every responsible homeowner knows, every time swimmers are in your pool, it is essential that they are supervised, and that the pool area is free of hazards. But, what about those times when no one is around the pool? Continue reading Making sure your swimming pool is safe and legally compliant
Category: Pool Fencing
Make Your Pool Safe for Children
Securing your pool becomes an extremely important factor when there are children in the family. What are the basic rules that must be followed to ensure a child’s safety around the pool area?
Pool Fencing: Safety Standards and Benefits
We all know that installing a fence around your pool is the last thing you want to do, but often it’s necessary. As the city of Toronto’s bylaws state that you are required to have a fence on your property if you have a private swimming pool, it’s important that you consider your options. Bylaws state that your pool enclosure should have a barrier, separating partially or wholly the boundary between adjoining land and your property. Now, this, of course, means that if you already have a fence of the proper size, you are technically on the right. However, with smaller children, pets or areas where pests and animals are a problem, a pool enclosure can give you the peace of mind that your children and pets are safe, and that you will not find drowned pests in your pool. This means that a pool enclosure is an effective way of guaranteeing safety and preventing additional maintenance.
Continue reading Pool Fencing: Safety Standards and Benefits