A backyard pool offers more than a relaxing oasis on a hot summer day; it’s also a great resource for effective at-home workouts that are fun and gentle on joints! Swimming to lose weight doesn’t have to be trudging through unending laps (although laps can still be a great option). Rather, exercising and losing weight by swimming should be a fun way to switch up your regular workouts and give your joints a break. There are innumerable benefits of swimming including for weight loss, relief from an injury, and increasing flexibility. Different pool exercises can offer different benefits and, with so many to choose from, you’ll want to take full advantage this season. If you’re not sure where to start, here are a few swimming pool exercises that are great for anyone looking to stay healthy, gain endurance, and burn some calories.
Leisurely Laps
You don’t necessarily need intense pool exercises for weight loss; swimming laps in the pool is just as effective and super easy! Different strokes target different areas of your body so pick one that is comfortable for you. Go at your own pace with frequent rests and water breaks. A helpful tip: when swimming for exercise, hold onto a flutter board for added stability or to give your arms a break. At an average of 500 calories burned per hour of moderately-paced swimming, burning fat can be relatively easy and enjoyable.
If you have sore joints, walking in the pool is a great alternative to walking outside or on a treadmill. Start in the shallow end, making sure that with each step, your heels touch the pool floor. Engage your core while letting your arms swing gently back and forth. Once you feel comfortable and are ready for a bigger challenge, start walking in shoulder-deep water. The resistance of the water means this exercise will provide a full body workout.
Water Aerobics
Doing water aerobics is good for weight loss. Swimming in waist deep or deeper water is great for resistance training and for strengthening the major muscle groups in your body. Although many aerobics classes are done as a group in a public pool, there are many awesome follow-along videos on YouTube that will teach you how to swim to lose weight that you can access from the comfort of your own backyard ! Incorporate a pool noodle or light weights for some added intensity.
The Bicycle
Treading water is a staple when learning to swim, and it makes a killer cardio swimming workout for weight loss as well! It’s more difficult than you think and engages all muscle groups. For a twist, sit on a pool noodle in deep water while treading your legs in cycling motions as if riding a bike. Keeping balanced will take lots of effort from your abs and legs.
Jumping Jacks and Squat Jumps
Both of these are great swimming exercises for weight loss and muscle toning. Because the water in the pool creates natural resistance, it will be more effective than doing these exercises normally. It will also be less jarring and more comfortable on joints. For jumping jacks, stand with your arms at your sides and your feet a shoulder-width apart. Jump while raising your arms overhead and landing with your feet out slightly before reversing the movement. Take breaks when needed. For the squat jumps, start in a squatting position with your arms bent in front of you before forcefully jumping off of the pool floor. Return to the squatting position and repeat. Interchange the two exercises for a full cardio workout!