A Complete Guide to Solar Pool Covers

In Canada, our swimming season is disappointingly short. During the hot days at the beginning of the summer, the weather is perfect for a swim – but your water will take some time to catch up, especially if you don’t have a heater. Over time, the summer sun will begin to warm your water, but it can take weeks off of your swimming season. Solar pool covers offer an effective and affordable way to use the sun to heat your swimming pool more quickly.

A solar pool cover can help you to quickly add a few degrees to your pool water, and to prevent heat loss during chilly nights. Continue reading A Complete Guide to Solar Pool Covers

How to Cut your Solar Cover to Perfectly fit your Swimming Pool

The right solar cover can add up to 17 degrees to your average swimming pool temperature over the summer. But, a solar cover needs to be the right size and shape for your swimming pool for it to work correctly. Solar covers come in a variety of sizes, but most of them are rectangular or oval in shape. If you have an oddly-sized pool or an irregular pool shape, you may need to cut your solar cover to fit your swimming pool correctly.

Luckily, it is very easy to cut a solar cover to fit any swimming pool.

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Understanding chlorine levels in your swimming pool

When it comes to keeping your swimming pool water clean, chlorine is the most essential chemical in your maintenance routine. There are many steps you need to take to keep your pool water in balance and sparkling clean. But none of these steps will work without the right chlorine levels. 

The chlorine levels in your swimming pool should always be maintained between 1.0 and 3.0 parts per million. These levels will keep your water safe and clean. There are many ways that you can choose to add chlorine to your swimming pool water.

Using testing kits can make it easier to keep your chlorine levels stable, but there are many different factors that impact your chlorine levels, usage, and demand. Understanding more about how chlorine functions in your swimming pool water can help you to keep your levels stable and constant. With the right chlorine balance, your swimming pool water will be clean, clear, and easier to maintain. 

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The Benefits of Variable Speed Pumps VS. Single or Double Speed

Of the different pool renovations, repairs and accessories which reduce energy consumption, the one most often talked about is the pump, as it’s the piece of equipment that generally consumes the most energy. For this reason, finding a pump that suits your pool and reduces energy costs is an important task in the maintenance of your pool. You might find that your older, single or double speed pump is running your energy bills through the roof, and are considering a change.

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Importance of Proper Pool Maintenance

Pool Maintenance

Owning and operating a pool is difficult for a number of reasons, the foremost of them being proper maintenance. With irregular or improper maintenance, you will quickly see your pool become dirty, and you will see a significant degeneration in the performance of your equipment. Unbalanced water chemistry can lead to heater corrosion while neglecting to clean your filter will cause it to perform worse and put undue stress on other equipment. In order to enjoy clean, clear water in your pool throughout the season, you need to invest in proper maintenance, whether you do it yourself or hire a service to maintain your pool for you. Whichever the case, we have assembled a list of tips and tricks that will help you maintain your pool in perfect condition in the upcoming summer season. Enjoy! Continue reading Importance of Proper Pool Maintenance

Save Time on Maintenance with Robotic Pool Cleaners

The most annoying thing about having a pool is the maintenance hassles such as cleaning, chlorinating and filtering. Without the proper equipment, owning a pool becomes a nightmare every time you want to go in for a dip. Time and energy wasted on cleaning might even deter you from wanting to swim at all. This is where having the proper equipment for pool maintenance is a must, and is also why we love Robotic Pool Cleaners so much.

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Electric Pool Heaters – Why Buy Them?

So many heating option, how do pick the right one? You have looked into a few options and have stumbled upon electric pool heater. You are interested in learning more about how they work and whether they may be an alternative for you, stick around.

Continue reading Electric Pool Heaters – Why Buy Them?

Pump Heat into Your Pool with a heat Pump!

With many alternative pool heaters on the market, we turn our attention to the heat pump. The premise of operation of a heat pump is quite simple; heat is extracted from the air and transferred to the water by the use of a heat exchanger. This system does exactly what its name implies: it moves heat from one location to another.

Continue reading Pump Heat into Your Pool with a heat Pump!