Pool Fencing: Safety Standards and Benefits

We all know that installing a fence around your pool is the last thing you want to do, but often it’s necessary. As the city of Toronto’s bylaws state that you are required to have a fence on your property if you have a private swimming pool, it’s important that you consider your options. Bylaws state that your pool enclosure should have a barrier, separating partially or wholly the boundary between adjoining land and your property. Now, this, of course, means that if you already have a fence of the proper size, you are technically on the right. However, with smaller children, pets or areas where pests and animals are a problem, a pool enclosure can give you the peace of mind that your children and pets are safe, and that you will not find drowned pests in your pool. This means that a pool enclosure is an effective way of guaranteeing safety and preventing additional maintenance.

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