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Concord, ON • Click for Map & Hours
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Heater Size Chart

Sizing your Heater. Recommended BTU. 

Pool Size Volume, Gallons Volume, Liters Gas Heater BTUHeat Pump BTU
12' x 24' 12,960 49,058 100k - 150k BTU70k - 85k BTU
14' x 28' 17,640 66,774 150k - 200k BTU85k - 100k BTU
16' x 32' 23,040 87,215 200k - 250k BTU110k - 120k BTU
18' x 36' 29,160 110,382 250k - 300k BTU110k - 120k BTU
20' x 40' 36,000 136,274 300k - 400k BTU120k - 140k BTU
15' Round 7,950 30,094 ~100k BTU50k - 70k BTU
18' Round 9,050 34,257 ~100k BTU50k - 70k BTU
21' Round 15,580 58,976 100k - 150k BTU50k - 85k BTU
24' Round 20,350 77,033 150k - 200k BTU85k - 100k BTU

Note: all figures are approximate and are meant to be used as a guideline only. Heater performance may vary depending on weather conditions - wind, shade, etc. For sizing solar and electrical heaters, refer to each individual heater's documentation.

For more information and additional help with choosing your pool heater, see our Gas Heater FAQ.

Still have questions? Give us a call at 1-844-416-7665 or email [email protected] - we'll be happy to help!